The profile will include the following information:
- Name of Licensee
- License Number
- License Issue Date
- License Expiration Date
- License Status (Active, Inactive, Expired, Probation, Suspension, Revoked, or Deceased)
- Accepts Medicaid (yes or no) *
- Primary Practice Setting/Public Address
- Educational Information of Licensee Name(s) of any medical schools the licensee attended and graduated) *
- Postgraduate Training Program/Area of Concentration *
- Specialty Board Certification (Self-reported by licensee) *
- Self-Designated Practice Area (Self-reported by licensee) *
- Maryland Hospital Privilege Information (may self-report) *
- Medical Licenses Held in Other States *
- Summary of Known Disciplinary Actions by any State Medical Board (within the past 10 years)
- Pending Charges with a Disclaimer
- Consent Orders/Final Orders
- Malpractice Judgments and Arbitration Awards (within the past 10 years) *
- Summary of a Conviction of or Entry of a Plea of Guilty or Nolo Contendere by the Licensee for a Crime involving Moral Turpitude reported to the Board by the Court *
* Note: Items with an * are not available for Allied Health Practitioners